
Here you’ll find information about accessibility for visitors, copyright requests, privacy, declarations of interest, expenses, complaints, freedom of information, ethical collaboration and cookie policy. Please click the relevant tabs for more information.

Accessibility for visitors

HQIP is committed to ensuring that our events are as accessible as possible to invitees to our events and will try to accommodate our visitors’ needs where feasible. If you have been invited to one of our meetings or events and have accessibility requirements, please let the meeting organiser know as soon as possible (note that the more notice we have, the more likely it is that we will be able to accommodate your request). We welcome requests including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Physical access
  • Dietary requirements
  • Support to access information or participate
  • Communication needs
  • Other adjustments e.g. timings
  • Environmental/sensory supports – for example sensitivity to lights, smells or noise

Please note that, while it will not always be possible to accommodate all requirements, we will do our very best to do so. In all responses regarding accessibility, please state if you have a preferred method of communication.

Copyright Requests

HQIP owns the copyright on behalf of NHSE for the NHSE commissioned publications, as well as the copyright for quality improvement and development resources.

Our copyright request service ensures that materials, such as tables, text, and other information, from programmes we commission, and host are available for research, quality improvement, service evaluation and evidence-based decision making.

This service is free to charities, UK publicly funded organisations, educational publishers and the NHS, including clinicians working within the contact of the NHS. Similarly, if the information requested is already freely available on data.gov.uk, there will be no charge.

However, fees are currently charged where HQIP material is being use for commercial / pharma / revenue generating purposes.

Please note that our copyright request service does not include data. If you would like to submit a data access request, please visit our data access requests webpage.

Standard copyright charges

 Item  Charge
 A standard HQIP administration fee will be applied for processing each request  £100
 Per figure/table/chart  £500
 Per page  £200
 Per journal article  £250
This fee will be applied if HQIP is required to ask the company for resubmission of request based upon missing information on the submitted copyright form  £200
Exceptions: HQIP will waive the permission charges for:

  • non-profit organisations or non-commercial uses
  • countries that are covered by the Hinari Access to Research for Health (for developing countries to reproduce free of charge content from certain health literature) www.who.int/hinari/en/
HQIP will make charges to companies who are charging the audience for their outputs The fee for this will be agreed on a case-by-case basis
Note:  This is a guide and subject to variation dependent upon the circumstances of the application.

Submitting a copyright request: To submit an request for permission to reproduce material, please email: [email protected] with details of the information you wish to use and the report it is from.

Privacy Notice

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being open and transparent about how it is used. This notice describes how and why we obtain, store and process data about you.

These privacy notices were updated in November 2023 to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will update this privacy notice whenever we change the type of processing we carry out. Please regularly come back to this page and check this notice for any changes. The notices can be viewed by clicking the links below.

NCAPOP Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

Employee Privacy Notice

Declaring and managing conflicts of interest

As a matter of good governance, it is important for HQIP to demonstrate probity in the way it conducts its business. An important part of this commitment is the requirement to demonstrate objectivity and integrity as well as the effective stewardship of public funds. The identification and management of any declarations and then potential conflicts of interest is an important part of ensuring the high standards of probity required to protect HQIP’s reputation and organisational standing and reassure its Board of Trustees.

This document describes the:

  • Circumstances in which people should declare an interest that might conflict, or be perceived to conflict, with their duties and responsibility to HQIP.
  • Process and provides guidance on what interests need to be declared, who needs to declare them, when and what actions should be taken to manage declarations and avoid conflicts of interest influencing the conduct of HQIP’s business.
Complaints Policy

Although the vast majority of feedback about HQIP’s work is positive, and any issues of concern that emerge will normally be dealt with informally, HQIP has a duty to respond in a meaningful way to any formal complaint raised against the quality of its work, or how it has handled customers or stakeholders.

HQIP wishes to express that it takes complaints seriously, takes complainants seriously, and is keen to address any matter raised by putting in place an appropriate review and any remedial action that may be needed.

We will always make time to hear your concerns or receive your feedback even if you do not wish to make a formal complaint. Please contact us via [email protected] if you would like to speak to someone.

We would always prefer to resolve issues with you directly however, the following policy covers the process for any external party wishing to make a formal complaint and how HQIP will handle complaints and take action, as needed. Should you wish to make a complaint via our funders, you should email [email protected] and insert ‘For the attention of the complaints team’ in the subject line.

Freedom of Information process

While HQIP is not a public authority, and therefore not obliged to respond to FOIs, we aim to be an open and transparent organisation. We will consider FOI requests on a case-by-case basis and respond appropriately. Our freedom of information policy is available to download and view below.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to submit a freedom of information request or you need any additional information.

Ethical Collaboration Policy

HQIP seeks to work with a range of organisations to support all aspects of its work, and where appropriate to generate income. Collaborations may include among other things sponsorship agreements, consultancy and partnership working. All income-generating activities are conducted in pursuit of HQIP’s mission statement and values. We wish to develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with commercial and other health-related organisations without comprising our independence. HQIP have therefore developed a policy statement outlining its guiding principles when working collaboratively with other partners.

To view the policy in full click here.

HQIP's Cookie Policy

HQIP Cookie Policy can be viewed here.

Carbon Reduction Plan

HQIP is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this, we have developed a Carbon Reduction Plan, which has been signed off by the Board of Trustees.  The plan is available to download and view below.

HQIP and meetings

During the pandemic many organisations learnt multiple lessons about new ways of working.  HQIP converted to an entirely virtual organisation with the ability, in rare circumstances and with very specific needs, to host face-to-face meetings.

To read more about HQIP’s meetings, please click here.

Modern Slavery statement

Modern Slavery Act Statement for HQIP: Financial Year 2023/25


The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) is committed to improving health outcomes by enabling those who commission, deliver, and receive healthcare to measure and improve our healthcare services. We are committed to being open and accountable, and to listen, learn and respond swiftly and appropriately as part of our ongoing cycle of improvement.

We acknowledge the seriousness of the issue of modern slavery and human trafficking and recognise our obligation to take all reasonable steps to mitigate any risks related to these practices in our operations and supply chain. This statement is made in compliance with Part 6 (Section 54) of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) and pertains to the financial year 2023-24.

Our Organisational Structure

HQIP was established in April 2008 to promote quality in healthcare, and in particular to increase the impact that clinical audit has on healthcare quality improvement. We are an independent organisation led by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and The Royal College of Nursing.

HQIP’s board of trustees meet quarterly, with one of the four meetings coinciding with the organisation’s annual general meeting (AGM).

HQIP works collaboratively across the health and care sector to champion national and local clinical audit as a way of achieving improvement in care and patient outcomes. Audit programmes are a key tool for the measurement and monitoring of care and provide a crucial evidence-base on which to build and develop better patient care and healthcare services. HQIP aims to work in a positive, open and transparent way to help enable positive and fruitful working partnerships to build better patient care.

HQIP works closely with funders of our work delivering our portfolio of national clinical audits and other programmes. These include NHS England, Welsh Government as well as, for certain projects, the Health Department of the Scottish Government, DHSSPS Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands

Supply Chain Management

The obligations outlined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 are explicitly mentioned in HQIP’s standard contract and Invitation to Tender (ITT) templates. We expect all our contracted suppliers to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Act.

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code

As part of our commitment to ethical practice, we require suppliers to adhere to the Base Code of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI). This code, founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), ensures that:

  1. Employment is freely chosen,
  2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected,
  3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic,
  4. Child labour is not used,
  5. Living wages are paid,
  6. Working hours are not excessive,
  7. Discrimination is not practised,
  8. Regular employment is provided, and
  9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is permitted.

In addition, we ensure our suppliers pay, at a minimum, the national living wage, and in London, the London Living Wage.

Training and Awareness

Our comprehensive staff induction programmes ensure employees are made aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them, aligning with our core values that foster ethical practices. We disseminate our Modern Slavery Statement via our internal communications channels to ensure all staff are informed and aware.


HQIP remains steadfast in its commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and will take all feasible steps to ensure that such practices are not taking place within its operations or supply chains.

This statement has been reviewed and ratified by HQIP’s board of trustees and is subject to annual revision.

Safeguarding policy

This policy sets out Healthcare Quality improvement Partnership’s (HQIP) approach to

Given the nature of our work as a charitable organisation, we do not usually have direct contact with those who benefit from our work. However, we have a responsibility to protect our staff and Trustees as well as others who we interact with during the course of our work.

This policy reflects relevant legislation and statutory guidance. It must be followed by HQIP staff (employees and contracted workers) and Trustees. We expect all organisations that we contract to have their own safeguarding policy and procedures in place and to ensure these are followed or, in exceptional circumstances, to accept and adhere to the HQIP’s policy and procedures if they do not have their own. We will make them aware of the HQIP’s policy and the expectations that we have in relation to safeguarding.

This policy sits alongside the Whistleblowing policy, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy, Dignity at Work policy, which also includes approach to bullying and harassment, Grievance policy and Disciplinary policy.

The policy can be viewed here.