Patient and community engagement

Everyone’s views and ideas were equal, and everyone was respectful and listened to each other. It felt genuinely collaborative, all working together to reach the end goal” Wendy Davis, HQIP Service User Network member – Health Data Research Project at HQIP, 2024

Patients and carers are at the heart of everything we do at HQIP. We facilitate a Service User Network (SUN) with over 100 members with diverse lived experience from all over the country. We work with this network in all aspects of our work including:

We believe that multiple and diverse patient/community perspectives are critical to:

  • understanding the lived experience, to learn from people and communities to inform project design and delivery
  • defining what matters, patient priorities and what ‘good’ looks like
  • national policy, commissioning and service design
  • effective quality improvement work, and
  • learning about, and reducing, health inequalities.

We have proven experience of actively involving and listening to patients, carers, communities and representative organisations in short and long term projects, and within our commissioning process through a variety of engagement activities from focus groups to membership of our advisory and executive groups.

Further information

Please contact Kim Rezel, Head of Patient and Carer Engagement at HQIP, to discuss your needs or for further information.

Contact us
For more details about how we could help your organisation, email [email protected]

Who we work with

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