Clinical Audit Awareness Week Update

Published: 24 Jun 2021

HQIP, supported by National Quality Improvement (incl. Clinical Audit) Network (N-QI-CAN), has agreed not to hold Clinical Audit Awareness week (CAAW) in November this year. HQIP is exploring the feasibility of hosting CAAW in Spring 2022.

N-QI-CAN regional chairs provided useful feedback recently highlighting that November is typically a challenging month for Trusts as winter pressures begin to mount and this year is expected to be even busier with the anticipated focus on restoration and recovery from the pandemic.

If CAAW takes place in 2022 we hope that Trusts will be in a better position and have more capacity to engage with the week. By this time, the new N-QI-CAN chair and general secretary will be in post and be able to support CAAW.

If trusts hold their own celebratory events outside of CAAW, whenever their own capacity allows and it is safe to do so, then we would still like to know about these and you are welcome to use the hashtag #CAAW.