National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression: Psychological Therapies Spotlight Report 2020

Reports | Published: 22 Jul 2020

This is the third report from the National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression (NCAAD). It focuses on experiences and perspectives of adults using secondary care psychological therapy services.

This report presents an in-depth qualitative analysis of the service user survey feedback collected as part of the Spotlight Audit of Psychological Therapies in England between 2018 and 2019. Specifically, it analyses service users’ responses to the qualitative question ‘Do you have any other comments about your therapy?’. The answers and analysis provide additional insight into what matters to service users. The feedback from the analysis has been used to develop recommendations for future audits of psychological therapy services.

A report of the findings from the rest of the Spotlight Audit is available here.

You can read the full report by clicking on the link below.

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National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression: Psychological Therapies Spotlight Report 2020