HQIP / CQC workshop ‘Maximising NCAPOP data for CQC inspections’

Presentations | Published: 17 Dec 2015

HQIP and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) held a  workshop on Thursday 12 November 2015 to discuss the joint working on ‘Maximising the use and accessibility of NCAPOP data to help facilitate the CQC regulatory process and support QI at Trust level’.

This workshop event was facilitated by HQIP medical director Professor Danny Keenan and HQIP clinical fellow Mr Sidhartha Sinha.

The morning consisted of keynote presentations from CQC chief inspector of hospitals Professor Sir Mike Richards, East Kent Hospitals’ director of information Dr Marc Farr, King’s College head of clinical audit Claire Palmer and Kingston Hospital’s head of clinical audit and effectiveness Anne Jones. The session concluded with a project update by Sid Sinha.

Copies of the presentations are available to view here:

The afternoon session comprised table discussions on topics including the process of optimising data flow to the CQC, managing the transition in providing the new data flow, achieving a balance between quality assurance and quality improvement and the possible benefits of a co-localised, user-friendly, searchable resource containing hospital-level key metrics from across all National Clinical Audits. The results of these discussions will be summarised in a formal document and published on the HQIP website in due course.

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